Friday, August 19, 2011

Bucket List

  1. Scuba dive
  2. Become fluent in French
  3. Drive a Delorean
  4. Climb Mr. Kilimanjaro
  5. Hang glide
  6. See "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
  7. Pet a sloth
  8. Beat Legend of Zelda
  9. Make creme brulee
  10. Bike across America
  11. Participate in a triathlon
  12. See Niagara Falls
  13. Beat Lolo
  14. Eat some delicious Moroccan food
  15. Make a towel rack
  16. Donate hair three times (2/3rds complete)
I'm sure there's more to come!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's the small battles.

Q: How many KMargses does it take to screw in a light bulb?

My room has sockets for four lights in the tall ceiling, but only two had functioning bulbs in them. In all truthiness, one of the "sockets" is a gaping hole and has been covered in very attractive black electrical tape. Tired of the imbalance in my room, I resolved this morning to conquer my fear of heights, bust out with the ladder in the basement and fix that third light.

I was thorough in my preparations for setting up the ladder to ensure that I would not fall off and break my neck. Then I gingerly ascended the eight-foot ladder...that shit's scary, man! Once I came in arm's reach of the offending light bulb, I attempted to unscrew it. However, the bulb seemed a bit cozy in its home and was unwilling to come out. Since the lights are recessed in the ceiling and I could only screw that damn bulb out a fraction of a centimeter at a time, I knew the ladder was going to be my new home for a good fifteen minutes.

Love it.
Own it.

Just don't look down...

After a bit of sweet talking and pleading, it finally came out, and I quickly screwed in the new bulb. After making my victorious decent, I went for the glorious test-run...which was anything but glorious as the light did not turn on!

Eye-rolling ensued.

Unwilling to admit defeat, I trudged back down into the basement to get a different kind of light bulb. I mustered up the courage to venture back up that ladder. In much the same fashion (but perhaps a bit more experienced this time), I extracted the bulb I had just installed and replaced it with the second new one.

With a cliche "And God said, let there be light!" I flicked on the switch...

...and there was light.

A: One. Because KMargs is a badass.

The Purpose

So this is the fulfillment of a request made by my Aunt Mary. At my graduation party, she impressed upon me that she would like to be able to keep up with my life through my eyes--how I live it. We tell people about our days in such a fashion that it becomes very mechanical. "I did this, and this and this." "This person pissed me off today." "The weather was better today." Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Aunt Mary, I apologize that this has taken so long to come about, but I really wanted to find an angle. Honestly, I live my life twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The things I do on a daily basis do not seem interesting to me, even though they may seem exciting to the standards of others (by simple virtue of the city I live in).

My angle, therefor, is my own quest for self-fulfillment and the pursuit of happiness (America, fuck yeah!). I already live a pretty healthy lifestyle, but I want to continue down that path and possibly improve. I want to share pictures. I want to do crafts. I want to take classes. I want to share music. I want to pay things forward. I want to be happier. I want to be smarter. Most of all, I want to share all this with you.

Please, join me on my journey. Let me know what you think.

Live life and be merry!